What They Don't Teach in Business School about Entrepreneurship

Part of 2010 Conference on Entrepreneurship.
Description: A group of entrepreneurs talk about what they learned in the trenches that they never could have learned in a classroom. The panelists will also share the courses that were most helpful to them in their entrepreneurial ventures, the courses that they wished they had taken, and the topics that business schools should be teaching to aspiring entrepreneurs.

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Julie Meyer is one of the leading champions for entrepreneurship in Europe. With over 20 years investment and advisory experience helping start-up businesses, she is the well known founder & CEO of Ariadne Capital, co- founder and Managing Partner of the Ariadne Capital Entrepreneurs Fund, founder of Entrepreneur Country and co-founder of First Tuesday. Julie has added a successful media career to her business commitments, recently joining BBC’s Online Dragon’s Den, in addition to her regular contributions to Business Week, Computing, FT Digital Business & Spectator Business.

She sits on the Boards of INSEAD, Medikidz, Vestergaard Frandsen and Jellybook. In 2011, she was asked to be on the Secretary of State’s Entrepreneurs Panel and the Secretary of Health’s Innovation Panel. In 2012, Julie was honoured to receive an honorary MBE, for her ‘services to entrepreneurship’.


Camerawork: Nathan Rae & Team – http://nathanrae.co.uk/
Post production: Elliott Wragg – https://twitter.com/EIliott
Audio restoration : Jorge Polvorinos – http://jorgepolvorinos.wordpress.com
Head of IT and Design: Vlad Victor Jiman – https://twitter.com/VladJiman
Intro: Mike Wood – www.completeedits.co.uk https://twitter.com/completeedits