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Pat Turner, a very successful entrepreneur once said, “My son is officially an entrepreneur – which is what you’re called when you no longer have a job and you’re unemployed.” Now, obviously there’s a lot of humor behind what he said. But there’s also a lot of truth to it because nowadays, everybody wants to call themselves an entrepreneur. You see that on social media profiles everywhere. I can relate to that because I still remember when I was a brand spanking new entrepreneur myself. But today I want to tell you about five levels of entrepreneurship and how you can one day be a pro in your world of business.

#1: Interest – 0:39

#2: Hobby – 1:06

#3: Amateur – 1:34

#4: Pro – 2:02

#5: League of Their Own – 2:28

5 Ways to Compete in Being a Pro in Your Business

#1: Constantly Measure Success – 3:11

#2: PDR – 6:07

#3: Patiently Aggressive – 7:02

#4: Example of Success – 7:43

#5: Desire – 8:25

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How to Develop a Business Idea: Crash Course Business - Entrepreneurship #2

So, where do ideas come from? And what do you do with them once you have them? In this episode of Crash Course Entrepreneurship, Anna helps to answer these questions (and more) as we figure out what we need to do to launch our business.


Business Model Canvas:




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